This unit has two sockets on the front (one for your intake and one for your extraction) and 3 controller knobs. The first control allows the user to set a minimum fan speed. This allows the user to set the lowest fan speed required for adequate air exchange in the garden space. The second control on the SMSCom Twin Fan Speed Temperature Controller allows the user to set the desired temperature to be maintained.
The third controller knob allows you to set the maximum fan speed. This is particularly useful when using oversized duct fans. If your fan is larger than required for the size of the grow area, you may not want it to kick in at full speed – using the maximum fan speed knob will ensure that this doesn’t happen.
SMSCom – Great quality and value-for-money
The MK2 (latest) version of the most popular model in the range!
Gives great control over your garden air temperature
Controls the speed of both an intake fan and an outlet fa
Maintains a user-set temperature in your grow-room via an external temperature senso
Allows the user to set a minimum fan speed to ensure adequate air exchange even at low temps
Maximum fan speed setting – great for using oversized fans
Supplies 2 outputs up to 510 Watts (2.25 Amps) each
Plug your inlet fan into the left-hand socket. Plug your outlet fan into the right-hand socket marked "FAN AIR OUT".
Locate the temperature sensor in an appropriate place in the grow-room. A good place is usually in the centre of the room at roughly the same height as the tops of your plants, but away from direct light.
Set the desired minimum fan speed, room temperature and maximum fan speed using the dials on the front of the Smscom Twin Fan Speed Temperature Controller. The unit can now be plugged in to switch it on.
Remember that the minimum fan speed that you set on the front of the SMSCom Twin Fan Speed Temperature Controller always needs to be high enough to remove adequate amounts of stale air from your grow space, even when the room is cold. If the fan speed is too low, there may not be enough fresh air exchange to replenish CO2 for optimal plant growth. Also, having your fan speed too low may not keep the humidity down enough for good plant growth and to reduce the chances of mould or rot during flowering.
The Smscom twin fan speed temperature controller can adjust the speed of fans with a maximum power consumption of 510 Watts (current draw of 2.25 Amps) each.
However, it should never be used to control the speed of circulation type fans which generally have their own speed control. Using the Smscom twin fan speed temperature controller to control a circulation fan will invariably burn out the controller or the fan itself.