Green Planet – Liquid Weight
What is it?
Liquid Weight is a blend of simple and complex carbohydrates along with proprietary extracted triacontinol, yucca extracts, bio-available amino acids, ascorbic acid and low molecular weight humic acid. These ingredients are what give your plants the natural ability to produce it’s own carbohydrate supply. Liquid Weight is an excellent carbohydrate supplement that provides an added energy source for your plants giving you huge impressive fruits and flowers. Beneficial carb sources support both your plant directly and act as a food source for the microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increased absorption of essential nutrients and growth stimulants such as triacontanol. Liquid Weight as previously stated is an expansive blend of simple and complex carbohydrates. We have used multiple sources of carbohydrates to make sure we have achieved the right profile of ratio to enable the maximum benefit.