Product Description
A powerful and easy to use fumer for effective control of crawling insects – spidermites, greenfly, thrips, fleas, bed bugs, cockroaches, ants and for the control of houseflies, mosquitoes, wasps and moths. Fumers are at least 25% more powerful than comparable products on the market. Simple to use, no smell or visible deposit after treatment. Simply place the Fumer on the floor, make sure the area to be fumigated as smoke tight as possible by closing all windows etc. Remove the plastic lid and place the unit on a heat resistant surface. Light the fuse and leave the area to be treated. Ignite fumers furthest from the exit first. For best results fumigate in the late afternoon and leave the room closed overnight.
- Flying insects: use one generator per 120m3
- Fleas and bed bugs: use one generator per 30m3
- Other crawling insects (such as ants, spidermites and cockroaches): use one generator per 7.5m3
When fumers are used in the control of infestations associated with domesticated animals, the animal(s) should be treated with a suitable pet flea treatment product and other infested areas should also be treated with fumers, powders or spray.
Bed bugs: thorough cleaning, including laundering of bedding, will also assist the control of bed-bug infestations. In addition, the bed and mattress should be treated with fumers or insect powder.
This product is approved under ‘The Control of Pesticides’. Regulations 1986 for use as directed.
1. Do Some Bed Bug Investigative Work
The first step to get rid of bed bugs is to do some investigative work. Pay close attention to where people have sat or slept for long periods of time. Bed Bugs are visible to the eye. The adult bed bug is brown to reddish-brown, oval-shaped, flattened, and about 1/4 to 5/8 inch long. Be prepared to inspect all areas of the room using a bright flashlight and a magnifying glass if you have one available. Bed Bugs can leave reddish- brown spots on mattresses and have a distinct smell. Remember that the bed bug’s flat shape and small body enable it to hide easily in cracks and crevices. Bed bugs, eggs and faecal deposits will go unnoticed with just a casual inspection. You should leave nothing unturned when doing your inspection for bed bugs and no site should be ignored that may be a bed bug harbourage. Bed Bugs could be hiding anywhere! Examples are: wall sconces, behind electrical switch plates, behind wall posters, between books and magazines on shelves and in racks. Be prepared to inspect all the places near sleeping areas, which may mean taking the bed frames apart! Adult Bed Bug 4-5mm long.
2. Prepare The Area
A thorough cleaning of the premises will make bed bug control efforts much more effective. Strip all beds down to the bare sleeping surface. Bedding (sheets, blankets, comforters, covers, and protectors) should be washed in very hot water. Very hot water is lethal to bed bugs. Personal items (stuffed animals, soft toys, blankets) should be removed and cleaned. Clutter should be removed from furniture tops and bed stands. In severe infestations, clothing should be removed from dressers and chests. Utilise a crack & crevice tool to remove bed bugs from deep harbourages such as: under baseboards; under carpet edges (pull up along the tack); around switch plates (you may have to remove the plate first); from the bed frame; inside box springs; inside furniture; and from floor cracks. Use a hand-brush attachment to vacuum up most of the bed bugs. Vacuum mattresses and box springs (especially along seams and folds); upholstered furniture; and behind drapes. Also vacuum the floor completely. After vacuuming, remove the bag from the vacuum, tie it tightly, and remove it from the premises.
3. Attack the Bed Bugs Where They’re Hiding
To get rid of bed bugs effectively, you’ve got to hit them where they’re hiding – in cracks and crevices. Place Residex P Dusting Powder in wall voids and under baseboards and in cracks and crevices. Follow the product label’s instructions for bed bugs. Set off a Fortefog Mini fumer for every 7.5 cubic metres of space in each room to be treated. Place the fumer canister on a heat resistant surface, such as a large plate or baking tray, remove the plastic lid, light the fuse wire on the fumer furthest from the door first and then the other fumers working your way back to the door. Remove all fish tanks and pets, make sure all the windows are closed and close the door, leave the room closed for at least two hours, when you re-enter open all windows and doors to aerate the room. Dust may also be applied more easily along baseboards by pulling the carpet up from the tack and then putting it back into place. DO NOT spread dust over the carpets or under the carpets. Dusts are only for cracks and crevices, in wall voids and under baseboards, not in open spaces where people or animals travel. Concentrate most of your efforts on crack and crevice treatments. These are the areas where bed bugs hide.
Protector C is an insecticide that is excellent for bed bug control. This insecticide provides quick knock-down and long residual control of bed bugs. Make sure that you follow the product label’s directions for bed bug control before spraying.
4. Treat the Bed
The bed area needs to be treated next. Look carefully at the folds and seams of the mattress, the headboard, foot board (if present), box spring/support platform, frame, etc. You will be able to see the bed bugs with the visible eye or the aid of a small magnifying glass. All cracks and crevices of the bed structure should be treated for bed bugs with a light application of Protector C, Apply the spray on the tufts, folds and seams of the mattress. The underside of the box spring may be sprayed with liquid insecticides as well or spot-treated with Protector CIK.
TIP: After treating the bedding for bed bugs and after it has dried thoroughly, cover the mattress with a plastic or allergy-proof cover.
5. Treat the Furniture (Night Stand, Chests, Dressers, Couches and Chairs)
The last step in bed bug elimination is to do a very thorough crack and crevice treatment of the furniture in the room. For wooden furniture pieces, you cannot miss any cracks, for upholstered furniture, apply Protector C. Always turn bed bug infested furniture over and treat from the bottom. Look carefully underneath all the legs of the furniture! Bed Bugs love to hide in the most unlikely places! Some furniture may have hollow metal framing (children’s bunk beds are an example). Treat inside the metal tubing with dusts, aerosols or liquids as discussed in the bedding paragraph above.
6. Follow-up in 2 weeks!
Getting rid of bed bugs is not easy. Inspect the treated room again in two weeks. Do a thorough inspection (especially cracks and crevices) and treat any area where bed bugs are persisting or where they have moved. You may be-able to avoid reusing the insecticide concentrates and just use a contact spray with pyrethrums such as Protector CIK. Your wall voids will not need to be re-dusted. If you treated your bedding properly and covered it in plastic, you may just need to retreat spot areas of the room.
TIP: Heavy bed bug infestations may need more than a second treatment. Be persistent!